Doggie Dandruff!

We have a black Labrador Retriever. I love her. She is my good friend and trusted companion. She tolerates my faults (I apparently don’t provide nearly enough treats) and I tolerate her’s ( incessant nagging to play fetch just one more time!!! Please!) Contrary to most Labradors, she tends to be picky about the food she eats, if it’s not people food. Although I don’t share my meals with her, she has been know to help herself if something is left a little too close to the edge of the counter. Cookies, butter, pork chops…

Black Labrador with toy on head
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Barbed Wire!

What would YOU do with this?

It’s all in your perspective.Some would think this is a mess, an eyesore, a hazard. Others would just think tetanus! I rescued this tangled mess of rusted barbed wire and transformed it into a beautiful home decoration for my nephew’s girlfriend. I hope she loves it!    

Tangled barbed wire
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