Chickens are busy, active little creatures. Free range chickens have the advantage of finding their own entertainment and getting into their own trouble: finding seeds, bugs, and worms, sneaking into gardens, going for rides atop a goat… The list goes on. Penned up chickens on the other hand, don’t have the luxury of finding a lot of interesting activities to occupy their time day in and day out. Often this can cause them to pick on one another. A happy chicken is a busy chicken. Here are a few ideas to help you provide some entertainment for your chickens.
Chickens are naturally curious animals. Bring something new into the coop or the run and you will have an immediate audience and maybe lots of helpers. This fall after the pumpkins had mostly ripened, I put a few in the chicken run. At first they just investigated, then they tasted, then they devoured! It takes them a couple of days to clean one all out, but they sure seem to enjoy! I usually have to break open or cut a hole in the pumpkin to get them started, but once that happens, the rest is history! This time of year, pumpkins are readily available, inexpensive or maybe even free. They are good for your chickens, rich in vitamins and beta carotene. It is said that the seeds act as natural wormers, and pumpkins can aid in darkening the color of your hen’s egg yolks. A good choice for busting boredom!
A tethered cabbage is fun entertainment and sometimes quite the challenge for chickens. It’s also pretty entertaining just to watch your chickens dodge a swinging ball!  I take a long eye bolt and skewer a small head of cabbage. At the bottom I put a large washer and secure with a nut. Then I hang it up and let the fun begin! Cabbage is another vegetable that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for your chickens. It also contains calcium which is a plus for your egg layers!
A tire full of straw is great fun and provides hours of entertainment. The chickens love to dig through it looking for yummy little tidbits of grain. Sometimes they just throw the straw on their backs and walk around looking like scarecrows! My husband is a mechanic and it seems like we always have a tire or two laying around. This is a great way to recycle one.
My chickens love apples. Occasionally I will just toss some apples in the run with them. It takes awhile for them to peck through an apple, but by the end of the day, there is not a trace! I know there is some discussion about the cyanide compound present in the apple seeds not being good for your chickens, but I have never had a chicken with ill effects from eating an apple. If you are concerned, simply core the apple before feeding it to your chickens. Â You can also hang your apples up for added fun and entertainment. (Yours mostly!)
As with all treats, be mindful of the amount and frequency with which you give them. Too much of a good thing is…well…too much! You want to make sure your birds are getting a balanced diet. There are lots of things you can do to alleviate boredom in chickens. Hide shelled peanuts in straw. Put up steps, ramps, or posts for them to jump on. I have a tree branch in one corner of the run for them to hop on or roost on in the sun. Be creative! Your chickens will appreciate your efforts!
I’m always looking for new ideas. What are some boredom busters that you use in your chicken coop?
I like the tier idea.
Thanks! Let me know if you give it a try and how it works for you.