Artisan Bread Using a Cast-Iron Dutch Oven

I have had a fun time recently tending to some sourdough starter and experimenting with some recipes. I have found a delicious waffle recipe and a wonderful sandwich bread recipe. I not only enjoy eating these two foods, but I enjoy making them as well, and so I do it often. Then I tried my hand at some sourdough artisan bread. My first attempt was beautiful on the outside, a chewy, crispy, delightful crust, but the crumb was dense and heavy. My next attempt was utter failure and I will spare you the details! I was talking with my son about my issues with artisan bread and he told me about a recipe that he makes, a recipe from which is kind of a faux sourdough bread. There were two things that interested me in particular about this recipe: 1) the microwave is used to help raise the dough quicker, and 2) vinegar is used to give the bread that sour taste.

Simple ingredients. The Balsamic vinegar gives this bread a slightly sour taste.
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Sourdough – Worth the Effort

My neighbor was going through some of his wife’s old cookbooks. He came across some recipes using a sourdough starter, tried them, and was bragging to me about how good his pancakes were. I didn’t really know too much about sourdough, so I asked him for some of his starter. I had always thought that sourdough starter was some magical family heirloom that was passed down through generations, and if your family didn’t have any, you had to get it from a willing neighbor or friend. But, instead of giving me some of his sourdough starter, he gave me a recipe and told me to go make my own. And so, my sourdough education began. I found a couple of awesome websites that explained sourdough from A to Z and provided recipes and instructions. I gleaned a lot of information, and as much as I love sourdough bread, the more I read, the more I began to think that it was just too labor intensive for me! I decided to give it a try anyway, just for the experience. Here are some things that I learned: 1) sourdough starter is NOT always a sacred family heirloom and you CAN make a good starter from scratch, 2) you can NOT stick your starter in the back of your fridge and forget about it for months and then pull it out and use it, you DO have to tend to it regularly, 3) although a good loaf of sourdough bread DOES take some forethought, it’s really NOT that bad…and, dare I say, absolutely worth it!

two loaves of sourdough bread
Sourdough Sandwich Bread
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