A Hobbyist’s Introduction to: Rabbits

Spring is just around the corner. It is the season of new life. I look forward to warmer weather and new life on the farm, whether fauna or flora. I also enjoy seeing all those sweet, adorable chicks and baby bunnies that show up in feed stores and farmer’s markets. Before taking on a new animal, do your research and understand what you are getting into and for how long. There have been times when I have had strays show up on my doorstep. In fact, that was how our rabbits were acquired. One early winter morning, I noticed three domestic rabbits eating food rations with the free-range chickens. They didn’t leave. I did not really know much about rabbits at the time, but I was about to learn!

Pair of adult rabbits
Rabbits like company
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Hay is a generic term used to describe a group of dried grasses and long stemmed plants that are used for animal feed purposes. Hay contains nutrients and roughage that animals need for good health and digestion. But, not all hay is created equal! Different grasses and plants have different nutrients and benefits for different animals and it is a good idea to research and find out what kind of hay is good for your animals.

stacked alfalfa/grass mix hay
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