A Hobbyist’s Introduction to: Rabbits

Spring is just around the corner. It is the season of new life. I look forward to warmer weather and new life on the farm, whether fauna or flora. I also enjoy seeing all those sweet, adorable chicks and baby bunnies that show up in feed stores and farmer’s markets. Before taking on a new animal, do your research and understand what you are getting into and for how long. There have been times when I have had strays show up on my doorstep. In fact, that was how our rabbits were acquired. One early winter morning, I noticed three domestic rabbits eating food rations with the free-range chickens. They didn’t leave. I did not really know much about rabbits at the time, but I was about to learn!

Pair of adult rabbits
Rabbits like company
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Apple Pie

If the truth be known, I would much rather spend my time outside digging in the dirt, mending a fence, even cleaning a chicken coop, than be in the kitchen.  The only thing that I enjoy less than cooking is doing the dishes. I would classify myself as an okay cook and I do have some specialties, but I give a two thumbs up! to all of you who enjoy cooking, do it well and find dish washing therapeutic!! Because cooking isn’t my favorite, I prefer simple, no fail, not a lot of dirty dishes type of recipes. They are not hard to find and I’m grateful for them! Fresh cut up fruit is one of my favorite side dishes due to the fact that it’s delicious, easy, and not a lot of dirty dishes. Heck, watermelon comes with its own bowl! When you’re finished with it, just toss it to the chickens or bunnies and they’ll take care of the clean up. 

Of course fall is the time of year when apples are plentiful and also less expensive. You might even have a friend or neighbor who says, ‘please, come and pick all the apples you want!’ My husband’s friend is one of those guys, so when my husband came home with a big tub of apples that he had picked, I had to figure out what to do with all of them. 

bucket of fresh apples
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Cleaning Day

With the onset of fall and cooler weather, I know that it is time to give all my animal housing a good clean out and get my animals ready for winter. Last year we had a pretty mild winter, we didn’t get much snow or severe cold, so I’m thinking that Mother Nature might want to make up for it this year. We have experienced some pretty crazy weather across the U.S. just this month, so my animal housecleaning and winter preparation has begun! Sometimes with helpers!

Chicken in wheelbarrow
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Lunch on a Budget!

Feeding your farm animals doesn’t have to be expensive. You just need to be resourceful and creative.

Prepared feed products that you purchase at your local livestock or pet supply store are great to feed your animals.  They are formulated to provide specific farm animals with their optimum daily nutritional requirements. There is a lot to choose from though and picking the right feed can be a daunting task. They can also be expensive. I find that supplementing a prepared feed with other foods is not only cheaper, but I think it’s better for my animals. Understanding your animals’ nutritional requirements is important and I find that as my understanding increases, my animals’ diets change. 

Chickens eating feed
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