Beet Pulp for Your Animals

I belong to a few goat and hobby farm groups on Facebook and really enjoy seeing all the new baby goats coming into the world. It’s also pretty cool to see new farmers and goat owners come on the horizon, whether it’s because people want to become more self-sufficient, teach the kids, fulfill a lifelong dream, or just because! Unfortunately, along with a lot of the learning comes some misinformation. As of late, I have seen some questions regarding the use of beet pulp in animals’ diets and some myths regarding its use.

Bag of shredded beet pulp
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Hay is a generic term used to describe a group of dried grasses and long stemmed plants that are used for animal feed purposes. Hay contains nutrients and roughage that animals need for good health and digestion. But, not all hay is created equal! Different grasses and plants have different nutrients and benefits for different animals and it is a good idea to research and find out what kind of hay is good for your animals.

stacked alfalfa/grass mix hay
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