Geese, the Great Protectors!

Some years ago, when looking at a potential new home, the owners had geese on the property. Every time we would try to go outside the house to look around, we were chased by the geese. We were strangers in their territory and they didn’t like it! I think they probably cheered and gave each other high fives when we finally drove away! Shortly after we found a house and moved in, a neighbor said he had to go to California for work and he had some young chickens and geese that he wanted to give my boys. (I think that was a ploy so that I wouldn’t say no.) I was a little wary based on my previous experience, but we took them in. Thirteen years later we still have the geese and I am happy to report, I have not once regretted the decision!

two geese, one bathing
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Why Raise Chickens?

Have you been thinking about raising chickens? Have you sat down at the kitchen table and started a pros and cons list?  Maybe the cons list is longer than the pros list. Perhaps you are wondering if its really worth the time, effort, and cost. Well here are some of my thoughts; maybe a little different perspective will help you make up your mind.

(pullets) young chicks with new feathers
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Boredom Busters!

Chickens are busy, active little creatures. Free range chickens have the advantage of finding their own entertainment and getting into their own trouble: finding seeds, bugs, and worms, sneaking into gardens, going for rides atop a goat… The list goes on. Penned up chickens on the other hand, don’t have the luxury of finding a lot of interesting activities to occupy their time day in and day out. Often this can cause them to pick on one another. A happy chicken is a busy chicken. Here are a few ideas to help you provide some entertainment for your chickens.

Rooster with two pumpkins
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Cleaning Day

With the onset of fall and cooler weather, I know that it is time to give all my animal housing a good clean out and get my animals ready for winter. Last year we had a pretty mild winter, we didn’t get much snow or severe cold, so I’m thinking that Mother Nature might want to make up for it this year. We have experienced some pretty crazy weather across the U.S. just this month, so my animal housecleaning and winter preparation has begun! Sometimes with helpers!

Chicken in wheelbarrow
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Bunnies Provide Great Fertilizer!

Bunnies are the best! They are soft and have the sweetest faces! My experience with bunnies began several winters ago when three rabbits came to visit and stayed. They shared grain with the chickens and found a barn full of hay! What could be better?

pair of white spotted rabbits in hutch
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Grapes were a favorite fruit of my boys as they were growing up. We always had grapes. About 6 years ago I decided to plant a couple of vines and grow my own grapes! I did my research and selected two seedless table grape varieties. They were dormant, bare-root vines that I planted in the early spring after I could work the ground. To support my vines I put up four green T-posts and strung welded wire fencing. My grape trellis is about 5’6” tall and about 8’ long.  I didn’t really expect any grapes the first year, but I didn’t expect one of the plants to die either! The following spring I planted a champagne table grape. It is a smaller grape and pretty sweet. They make very tasty raisins.

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