Animal Hierarchy or The Pecking Order

It seems like there is a pecking order or hierarchy in all walks of life and it has existed in history for all time. There is a hierarchy in family units, towns, countries, cultures, and religious organizations. There are people who make good leaders, who love a challenge and aren’t afraid of failure. They are willing to take on the responsibility for protecting others and helping to provide direction for life improvements. Those at the top of the human pecking order are generally elected or appointed because of previous good works and integrity. However, history has shown us the there have been successors who achieved their ranking position on the battlefields. It appears that social groups need pecking orders.

group photo of chickens
We like to think that our animals can all co-exist peacefully together,
but the only way this is accomplished is by establishing a pecking order.
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A Duck’s 5 Senses

Whenever I go out to feed and visit with my ducks, there is one that inevitably gives me this cute little head-cocked, sly look. I wonder what’s going through her mind as she stares at me. Is she wondering if I have more treats than what I’m sharing, or does she suspect me of being a wolf in people’s clothing? She doesn’t seem to be afraid, just watching. Sizing me up. Taking it all in. This silly little duck got me wondering about the senses that a duck uses to navigate in their world…so I did some research.

white duck spiking the camera
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