Can My Animal Have Aspirin?

First let me clarify that I am not a veterinarian. I do know from having animals that there are occasions when you can not get a hold of your vet and you need to make decisions regarding your animals based on knowledge, experience, and even the internet. I have a really good vet, but he’s entitled to time off every now and then. It seems like nights, weekends, and holidays are prime times for animals to get ill or injured. This is why it is important to educate yourself, talk with your vet ahead of time, and seek out reputable sources on the internet before you need to treat your animal. Be prepared! I recently read on an animal Facebook group about a person looking for help with a sick dog, and holy cow, the suggestions for possible treatments ran the gamut. There was one suggestion to give the dog nighttime Tylenol, that made me cringe. Sometimes we think that if it’s ok for people, it’s ok for animals. And that is just not true!

Tylenol with "don't give to dogs" symbol
Not all people medication is ok to use on animals.
Read more about what pain-killers pets can have

Preparing for Dog Breeding

Responsible dog breeding, or the breeding of any animal for that matter, is a decision that should not be taken lightly. I have been a part of raising many dogs throughout my life, some were rescue dogs from the pound, some were from backyard breeders and some were from reputable show/obedience dog trainers. I’ve had my favorite dogs and I’ve had ones that about drove me nuts. Different dogs with different personalities appeal to different people. There are probably about as many reasons for breeding your favorite pup as there are for why you got that favorite pup in the first place. There are also a lot of pros and cons for breeding a dog, and there are risks involved that need to be considered as well.

black lab puppy sitting
Responsible breeding takes thought and preparation.
Read more about: Preparing for Dog Breeding