Oyster Shell vs. Chicken Grit

I often read comments from people indicating some confusion in understanding the difference between chicken grit and oyster shell. Oyster shell and grit are two different products that accomplish two different things, and they are NOT interchangeable. Let’s take a look at the two products and their purposes.

Black hen looking at the camera while resting in a nesting box
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Chicken Treats

If you are like me, one of the things you really enjoy doing is spoiling your chickens…with treats! It’s fun to watch the enthusiasm in my chickens when they greet me thinking I have yummy stuff just for them, and it’s fun to watch my roosters as they call all of their lady friends over when they think they have a special snack to share. Treat time appears to be an exciting time for my chickens and I’m sure it is for your birds too! What are some things we should know about treats for our birds?

chicken looking at assorted treats
So excited for treat time, she can hardly contain herself!
Read more about: chicken treats

Herbs for Chickens: Planning your Herb Garden

Herbs are a good addition to a chicken’s diet. There are many health benefits associated with herbs such as aiding in the recovery from an illness, strengthening immune systems to prevent illness, and discouraging insects, pests and parasites. Different herbs have different aromatic and medicinal properties. I choose to use a more homeopathic approach in caring for my chickens, believing that prevention is the key to a healthy flock. For that reason I like to grow a variety of herbs, providing my birds with a balance of natural substances that promote overall good health.

herbs, garden sheers and eggs
I like to feed my chickens a variety of fresh and dried herbs.
read all of Herbs for Chickens: Planning your Herb Garden