What Things Affect Egg Laying?

Most chicken farmers know that as winter approaches, egg laying decreases. But there are also other times during the year that we might see a fluctuation in egg production and wonder what is going on? Let’s explore some of the things that can affect a hen’s egg production.

black hen laying eggs
The average egg-laying cycle takes 25 hours from start to finish.
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Blue Egg Laying Chickens

It seems like lately, having hens that lay colorful eggs is all the craze. And it is fun to see a bowl or carton filled with eggs that range in color from white to various shades of brown, greens, blues, and even pinks. Dare I say that finding a white egg outside of a grocery store is becoming the anomaly! There is nothing wrong with raising chickens simply for their colorful eggs. Different breeds of chickens are being developed to accommodate the desire for varied egg colors. So let’s explore colorful egg layers.

blue/green eggs
A nest of blue/green eggs, laid by my “homegrown” Easter Egger.
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