Artisan Bread Using a Cast-Iron Dutch Oven

I have had a fun time recently tending to some sourdough starter and experimenting with some recipes. I have found a delicious waffle recipe and a wonderful sandwich bread recipe. I not only enjoy eating these two foods, but I enjoy making them as well, and so I do it often. Then I tried my hand at some sourdough artisan bread. My first attempt was beautiful on the outside, a chewy, crispy, delightful crust, but the crumb was dense and heavy. My next attempt was utter failure and I will spare you the details! I was talking with my son about my issues with artisan bread and he told me about a recipe that he makes, a recipe from which is kind of a faux sourdough bread. There were two things that interested me in particular about this recipe: 1) the microwave is used to help raise the dough quicker, and 2) vinegar is used to give the bread that sour taste.

Simple ingredients. The Balsamic vinegar gives this bread a slightly sour taste.
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