
Raising farm animals: chickens, goats, geese, ducks and rabbits is my passion. I enjoy feeding, caring for and interacting with some of nature’s most interesting, likable and social animals. Join me on my farm as I share my experiences. Love – the hearty hen house


My name is Julie, I am a hobby farmer and I love it! I have been hobby farming for over 25 years now and I have learned a great deal.

I began my adventure around the time that my boys were born. I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and in order to do that I needed to figure out ways to make my husband’s paycheck stretch. Gardening, growing our own food and raising chickens for eggs certainly helped. My hobby farming grew from there. I home-schooled my boys through elementary and middle school and animal husbandry was a great learning tool. Then there were the 4-H projects; showing dairy goats, and chickens at the county fairs. It was such fun, a lot of hard work, and a wonderful way to bond as a family.  Now that my sons have all “flown the coop”, I still have my animals and garden. I provide the neighbors with fresh eggs and I bottle tomatoes for the kids. Hobby farming keeps me busy and out of trouble!

I have done my fair share of researching and experimenting over the years. I found some things that worked for me and some things that didn’t work. I am by no means an ‘expert’, but I hope that through this blog I can share with you what I have learned and experienced and you can share with me. So lets start learning so we can be productive together!